This area was part of a large Spanish land grant Rancho Ciénega de los Paicines.  In the late 1800's the railroad was tasked to build a line to Tres Pinos. By 1873 they made it to Paicines but did not wish to continue building more line. So, in 1874 the names of the two towns were switched so the railroad could say they had fulfilled their commitment to build a line all the way to Tres Pinos. 

For 50 years prior to 2017 the ranch was known as the Appel Ranch.  John and his wife Mary Jo Appel first purchased the ranch in 1964.  They ran cattle, roped steers, entertained and hunted on the ranch.  We understand John and Mary Jo were wonderful folks and John was a hell of lawyer and rancher.

In 2017 our family was fortunate enough to purchase the ranch.  We renamed the ranch to the JNB Ranch after our two sons Jared and Noah.  What started out as a casual Sunday drive to “just scout out a ranch for the future” turned into love at first sight and an opportunity to carry on our own family tradition of ranching.  So, at 50 years old, two grown sons and a 25-year career in mortgage banking and in the real estate industry we pulled the trigger on a lifelong dream and headed east (about an hour).  

Over the last five years we have made upgrades to improve the health of the land and cattle.  Our cross-fencing project has allowed us to employ rotational grazing.  This practice helps move the cows and calves through the pasture to improve soil, plant and animal health.  Additionally, we have vastly improved the water resources on the ranch.  Each pasture has multiple water sources these days.  In 2017 there was one operational well suppling the entire ranch.  Today we have three wells with one solar and another artisanal.  We have storage capacity for over 40,000 gallons along with two ponds and a season creek.

We continue to educate ourselves, using the best practices of the past along with employing trusted new methods and technology along the way.

The one thing we know for sure is that cows are the perfect audience to tell jokes to; they are really easy to A-Moo-Se.